Poster Information

Poster presentations will take place during the morning break. Presentations will be split into two groups, the first group will present between 10:00-11:00 and the second group will present between 15:00 and 16:00. A full schedule can be found in the table below.

Poster Presentation Session 1 (10:00-11:00)
Paper Title
SACSoN: Scalable Autonomous Control for Social Navigation
Social Navigation in Crowded Environments with Model Predictive Control and Deep Learning-Based Human Trajector Prediction
Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Mapless Crowd Navigation with Perceived Risk of the Moving Crowd for Mobile Robots
From Crowd Motion Prediction to Robot Navigation in Crowds
Cooperative Probabilistic Trajectory Forecasting under Occlusion
Toward Human-Like Social Robot Navigation: A Large-Scale, Multi-Modal, Social Human Navigation Dataset
Near Real-Time Position Tracking for Robot-Guided Evacuation
Personalized Human-Robot Interaction: Learning Depth Vision-Based Navigation with User Preferences
Poster Presentation Session 2 (15:00-16:00)
Paper Title
Validating Drone Trust Testing in Navigation Deviation Cases in Simulation
Learning Social Heuristics for Human-Aware Path Planning
OverTrack: Overhead Camera Tracking Tool for Child-Robot Interaction
SG-LSTM Dataset: A Comprehensive Dataset for Analyzing Pedestrian Behavior in Real-World Environments
Socially Acceptable Bipedal Navigation: A Signal-Temporal-Logic-Driven Approach for Safe Locomotion
Emotion-Aware and Entitativity-Optimized Socially Invisible Robot Navigation with Acceptable Interactions
DRL-VO: Learning to Navigate Through Crowded Dynamic Scenes Using Velocity Obstacles
Enhancing Human-Robot Interaction through Multi-Human Motion Forecasting