The 2nd Workshop on

Social Robot Navigation: Advances and Evaluation.

In conjunction with: IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems

October 1-5th, 2023 - Detroit, MI, USA


With robots beginning to share spaces with humans in uncontrolled environments, social robot navigation is an increasingly relevant area of robotics research. However, robots navigating around humans still presents many challenges. Recent works have shown that it is insufficient for robots to simply consider humans as “dynamic obstacles”. How can a robot navigate safely and efficiently among crowds? How can a robot capture environmental context and obey the social rules? How should we measure and benchmark a robot’s navigation performance? We propose to bring together experts and community members from diverse backgrounds to discuss advances in social navigation and to unify efforts around evaluation methods. This workshop is a sequel to our successful workshop at ICRA’22. The day-long event will feature invited expert speakers, poster presentations, moderated panel discussion, and benchmark challenges. We will announce the winner of SEANavbench challenge. SEANavbench is our open-source benchmarking suite which enables training and evaluating social navigation systems in a high visual fidelity environment. We will also announce two new benchmark tracks for perception and forecasting in social navigation (T2FPV) and for multi-agent social navigation (social-gym).


This work was funded by grant IIS-1924802 from the National Science Foundation and the European Union's Horizon Europe Framework Programme grant 101070596 - euROBIN. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

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